Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Divorce sucks.

And not just for the family members involved. Today I had divorced parents that came in to the company that I work for and totally sucked me into the misery that is their feud with one another. It made me mad! I was angry for about an hour because they were so inconsiderate. Then I thought about the kids that these goofballs have together and how they must run these kids through this nonsense on a regular basis. I felt sorry for them. It really made we want to put even more effort into my marriage. If not for my husband’s and my sake, then for our children. Nobody should be treated like that. Ever!


Anonymous said...

It really made we want to put even more effort into my marriage.

I have a friend. pregnant. one child already. who is in the middle of a divorce.

IM SO NOT JUDGING but watching and learning what I DO not wanna do.


Ill work through pretty much anything not to...


Melissa said...

I was so bitter about having to divorce. But I tried so hard to protect my children to the extent that I "swallowed" everything I possibly could to avoid exposing them to the horribleness. It was bad enough for them as it was.

Now I wonder -- if I had told them the truth about their dad, would I be suffering from chronic stress digestive spasms? They really hurt. Not that I regret my decision--I would do it again. I was just wondering.