Wednesday, October 1, 2008

I am so humbled!

No posts for over a week and then three in one day...huh?

When I sent out the request for donations for the Making Strides walk that I am doing, Pat included it in Photo of the Day. Through a chain of his relatives that I can't quite wrap my head around, I received a donation from one of his relatives that coincidentally was walking a 3 Day walk in the Twin Cities. I could go on and on with my rambling, but below is her recap of her walk. Grab a cup of coffee and enjoy. (A tissue or shirt sleeve might be necessary too!) It is worth the minutes of your time!

Dear Supporters,

Yes indeed we crossed the finish line. There were victories and defeats along the way, but the bottom line is we made it, all with smiles on our faces. A big thank you for supporting the Twin Cities, 3-day, 60 mile, Susan G. Komen breast cancer walk. A whopping 7.3 million dollars was raised. Just blows the mind doesn't it? I have not heard a final number, but it has been reported there were anywhere from 3000-3500 walkers, with crew support of 400-500 making this walk all happen seamlessly. It is difficult to put into words the experience. We were greeted all along our route with, vehicles honking, hi-fives, tears, smiles, whistles, flags, banners, posters, mist water to cool us, treats of all kinds (including Iced coffee from Caribou Coffee), thank you upon thank you for walking, chairs to rest our weary bodies, foot massages, photographs, lemonade and drinks of most all kinds, chocolate, young and old alike, encouragement came in every form imaginable. I must tell of Jody's couch. It was well worn red velvet and large enough for our team, "Hope's Path" to sit together while Jody's husband took our picture. Jody's couch appeared on the route no less than threes times each day. Same couch, same hi-five, same entourage with Jody's husband, carting that precious couch of honor and dignity in memory of Jody. Three days of walking and talking. Asking, why are you walking? Or answering, why am I walking? The clear common goal was foremost in all conversations. Talk about a united front. Please forgive the play on words! Couldn't resist!Each and everyone, welcomed back into camp every afternoon with cheers of victory. From the first to return to the last, each walker was received with jubilation. All were victorious. Our last day, Sunday, with five more miles, our excitement heightened as we caught the first glimpse of our destination through a break in the trees. There was the end of our journey, our goal and our finish line. With each step, the anticipation grew. At about two blocks to go, we watch the ten person team ahead of us lock arms and silently walk as one unit to the finish line. The closing ceremony at the Minnesota Capital would turn out to be an awesome event. The mere logistics of dealing with thousands of walkers and families of supporters was a monumental feat. The medical and crew walked ahead of us. The walkers who were not only walking, but also survivors wore pink tee shirts and congregated in one area in order to enter last. In tribute and honor, we knelt on one knee and raise a well worn shoe as our pink tee shirt companions passed. I have never received such awesome outrageous treatment or been involved with a group of people so focused. This indeed has renewed my commitment in humanity. It is a good thing to enjoy each other without reservation. So where do we go from here? Business as usual, I think not ever again. An experience such as this has far more magnitude than ever allowing a back to normal life style. I will never forget my new friends, though most I never knew their name. I will always remember the close bond and oneness. I am proud to have had a part in his humungous endeavor. I am the same me, but most definitely different. Another dimension has been added. I am thankful for it and grateful to all who made this possible. Thank you again from the bottom of my heart!

Your walker,
K. J.