Wednesday, May 20, 2009


For me, bmp used to refer to a type of graphics file. Now, BMP also refers to "Bone Morphogenetic Protein". I have some in me now. It is what they used to repair the clavicle section that didn't heal. So along with a new plate, I have some crazy compound in me that's supposed to help my bones grow together better. Look out Lindsay Wagner, there's a new bionic woman on the scene.

Ok, I am typing one handed again for a while, so maybe not so bionic after all!


Reen said...

I'm sitting here trying to think of something clever that BMP could stand for but apparently THAT particular gene belongs only with Patrick.....

Well - hope the weekend there is pleasant! I've got window washing on the agenda since Tom is out of town....

Love ya! Reen

Crabby McSlacker said...

Well, I hope the BMP gives you superpowers! Those could come in quite handy.